Shaykh Jami radiallahu ta’ala anh writes that the Messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam was one day seated with Imam Hussain salamuallah alaihi on his right and Ibrahim salamuallah alaihi(Son of prophet alaihissalam) on his left.
Sayyiduna Jibril alaihissalam descended and said to the beloved of Allah Prophet Mohammad alaihissalam that the Lord would not allow both of these two children remain with the Messenger alaihissalam as one of them would have to return to the Lord. It was now the Beloved’s (prophets) choice as to which one of these two beloved children would remain on the earth and which one return to Allah the almighty. Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam stated that if Imam Hussain salamuallah alaihi was to depart from this world, Sayyidah Fatimah salamullah alaihi, Sayyiduna Imam Ali salamullah alaihi as well as the Messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam would be aggrieved. If Sayyiduna Ibrahim alaihissalam departed, most of the grief will be felt by the best of the creation Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam and therefore , the Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam explained how he desired to bear all the sorrow rather than witness his Beloved daughter and Son in law radiallahu ta’ala anhum ajmaeen pained by the death of beloved son. Three days after the Prophet Mohammad Alaihissalam made the magnificient choice, Sayyiduna Ibrahim alaihissalam passed away.
After this event, whenever Sayyiduna Imam Hussain salamuallah alaihi would come to the Beloved Prophet Mohammad alaihissalam, the Prophet alaihissalam would kiss the Forehead and welcome him. Addressing the people, The Prophet alaihissalam would say that He (alaihissalam) had sacrificed his son Sayyiduna Ibrahim alaihissalam for the sake of Sayyiduna Imam Hussain Salamullah alaihi.
(From Shawaahid-un-Nubuwwah page 305)